Tag: IE11

DotNet Postbacks Not Working in IE11

Many people are posting the woes of DotNet Postbacks not working in IE11.  I too experienced this and remembered that there were app_browser files that could be modified to give the browser further instructions.  With a quick google search I

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How to change IE11 Useragent

I recently tripped on a need to change the Useragent string for IE11 because of an older DotNet control that I was using and was no longer in development. Again this is not my solution, but it worked for me

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IE11 Thinking it is a Cookieless Browser

Recently I had an issue where IE11 did not want to track cookies turning IE11 into a Cookieless Browser.  I learned quickly this is the default behaviour of the browser unless you uncheck a no-tracking option during its setup.  You

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